Understanding and Optimizing Video Game Frame Rates
The frame rate in a video game reflects how often the screen refreshes to render the image. It's most often measured in frames per second (FPS). What Determines the Frame Rate of a Video Game? The areas that can impact game frame rate/FPS include: System hardware, such as the graphics card, motherboard, CPU, and memory. Graphics and resolution settings within the game. How well the game code is optimized and developed for graphics performance. The graphics card and CPU are the most significant contributing factors to a game's frame rate or FPS performance. The computer's CPU sends instructions from programs to the graphics card. The graphics card (GPU) will then process the instructions received, render the image, and send it to the monitor for display. There is a direct relationship between the CPU and GPU, with the performance of your graphics card being dependent on the CPU and vice versa. If a CPU is underpowered, it does not make sense to upgrade to the latest graphic